Tampines Eco Green - Among Green Grass

Tampines Eco Green
East, Singapore
May 2013

Tampines Eco Green is a haven for biodiversity, with a multitude of natural habitats - open grasslands, freshwater wetlands and secondary rainforest. Naturally, among green grass, finds abound.

Contained within the nutrient-rich ponds, water snails thrive...

Clutches of bright pink apple snail eggs can be seen...
(More about Apple Snails in "What Is An Apple Snail?"

The apex hunter among the long grass blades - Oxyopes birmanicus (Burmese Lynx Spider)...

 Moths (Heterocera), Butts (Rhopalocera) and Dragons (Anisoptera) lay at rest...

 There were also some weird finds, including a 5-legged transparent grasshopper (Caelifera)...
On the hot day, a restful Calotes versicolor (Changeable Lizard) hides under the shade of a tree...

A rather pudgy but adorable Salticidae (Jumping Spider)...

A very brightly-coloured male Ploceus hypoxanthus (Asian Golden Weaver) flitting among the treetops...

The maternal instinct at work - A female Cinnyris jugularis (Olive-backed Sunbird) 
working hard at gathering tufts of fluff for nesting...

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