The Dusk Web Builder


East, Singapore
February 2013

When the sun descends below the horizon, the world slowly turns from twilight to dusk. At a park Tampines, a place with no electrical lighting, it is when the grass and marsh darkens. The world there then comes alive with lots of "Eastern Twilight Surprises"...

Twilight is also the time when nocturnal spiders awake from their daytime positions inside leaves, inside burrows, on webs, and come alive to repair their webs for a night of food gathering.

The Neoscona Rufofemorata (Brown-Legged Spider) is one such nocturnal spider. During the day, it sits still on a leaf, indistinguishable as a spider because of its yoga-like folded legs. In the evening, it awakens and starts building its web.

To show how big it really is when it finally unfolds itself...

Using leaves or branches as anchors, the Neoscona starts by creating the outermost layer of the orb web. The web is built in a circular manner, round and round, and round. Here we see one at work in its fascinating display of Nature's Art...

Good reason why it needs all of its 8 legs to build a good web...

How the finished web looks like...

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