Ubin Oil Spill - Along The Way

Part 6 - Along The Way
Pulau Ubin
East, Singapore
May 2010

Along the way, there were lots of heartwarming and interesting sights. While waiting for the tides to recede, we had time to admire Ubin's flora and fauna...

A touch of beauty along the beach as I waited with the workers...

A bunch of bananas grows alongside a coconut leaf...

A grasshopper chomps on its breakfast...
A tiny wild boar streaks past our path. Note the stripes on its back...

First time seeing weaver ants in a webbed nest...

The workers were mainly from Bangladesh. Their way of life was simple - Start work early in the morning, relaxed pace along the day, and a brief siesta and a timely lunch at noon.

No work was too hard or dirty for them. They cleaned the debris, braved the mosquitoes, and worked in the hot sun without complaint.

A positive working attitude despite the difficult conditions...

When it comes to taking photos, they were shy...
but always ready with a warm smile.

Tua Pek Gong Birthday Celebrations 2010
|   Part 1 - The Chronology   |   Part 2 - At Changi Beach   |   Part 3 - Executive Decisions   |
|   Part 4 - Devastating Effects Of Oil   |   Part 5 - Cleaning Up The Mess   |